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CheersClaire 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

今天跟 Anderson, Ally, David, Zack 去 Bondi Beach.

目的地其實不是 Beach,

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Zack 在學期初的時候自以為很閒的..
幫忙一位 CET 老師 Cecilia 的忙: 整理她新家的garden.

也因此 Cecilia 問了 Sam (也有一起幫忙的CET同學) 和 Zack,

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Unit of Study result has come out last week.

3 credits and 1 distinction.

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Yeah, it is... 
my first english interview (in my whole life, ha).

CheersClaire 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

那天(30/Sep/07) 到 Koo 家學作泡菜,
這個食譜拖了三個月到今天才寫好 ...  > <

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挪不出時間跟 David 拿HeroesII的6,7季..
吃飯時又習慣看看簡短的影集, 而不想看冗長的電影.

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CheersClaire 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have been working on the final assignment for LEADERSHIP.

A boring class?!
Well, not really if the lecturer is Arlene....

CheersClaire 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

Finally, it's the end of the semester.
And the last thing has to be done is "Final exams".

Well, only has to finish LEADERSHIP Biography research first...

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A few days ago, one of my CET friend, Taka, 
sent an email to tell me that there's an opportunity to EARN MONEY.

It's an research experiment held by Psychology students in Sydney Uni. Volunteers just simply drop by the office and tell them that you wanna join their experiment. 

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"Business Decision Making"...

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晚上跟 Zack, Alex, Vivian 去看電影 (STARDUST)..

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Week 10 是整週的 Break.


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不是我 ''呷菜''..  那間素食麵真的是人間美食...

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ADG event  -- Spanish restaurant Encasa 

Address : 423 Pitt, Sydney. ( see Map )

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